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Colin Richardson

Enjoyed reading your comment, Garth. Although you were there at the same time I was, I can't honestly say I remember you; but then I was off 'on the road' a lot of the time. Yes I do remember all the people you mention, especially Fred Munt, with whom I was quite friendly (indeed he was instrumental in my joining Charisma in 1972) and often wonder where he is now, Also 'Cracky' and Strat's incredibly comfortable Bristol car, which I got to ride in occasionally. I was very involved with the 'Autumn Event', which was to commemorate Charisma's 5th Anniversary, as I had to organise flying in 40 of our European licensees as well as producing an engraved pewter tankard for each of them (I still have mine). As you say, it was an 'off the wall' idea, but so typical of Strat. Yes..happy days indeed and memories I will never forget.


This was really interesting and nostalgic...I also worked for B&C / Charisma from 1974 to 1976 (I think) when everything went horribly wrong - at least for the B&C part. I was terribly junior, so many of the things you mention would have passed me by!

I do remember with fondness, though, working (initially) in the basement at 36 Soho Square - and then upstairs on the first floor; some great times and some great people, like Fred Parsons, Steve Bankler-Jukes, Fred and Gail Munt, Judd Lander, Jenny Knight, Viv Most, Jim Flynn and many more.

Strat was an amazing character, and - as you rightly say - he had an eye for unusual talent (and ideas) that would never have made it onto the stage with a more commercial record company - and certainly not in the current music business; he was certainly a maverick, and - given some better backing - would, IMO, have taken Charisma much further. Perhaps his love of the gee-gees vied for his attention with the music too much... and do you remember his Bristol car, and his Welsh chauffeur, "Cracky"??

Talking of the horses, did you come to the Charisma "Autumn Event" that we held at Kempton Park racecourse? The idea of combining a race meeting with a pop concert was really off the wall at the time, and dealing with Wetherby's (the race meeting organisers) was a very odd experience, as they were mostly ex-military or ex-Civil Service, to whom dealing with long-haired "pop" people must have been quite novel!

Happy days indeed - and for me, a fantastic interlude before a life of "real" work! Best wishes to you.


Now this is the meat and potatoes of your early days in the biz. Great post, Dad!

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